My aim for this site is to provide concise, accurate information. And then I came across this brilliant document by Elissa McKay, an Australian parent of gifted children.
This is a great resource for parents, teachers, grandparents etc who need a solid introduction to the world of giftedness. It is clearly written, and uses some great analogies to highlight the needs of the gifted. I especially like her page on comments typically made about children of high intellectual potential, except applied to athletes of high physical potential – bittersweet!
She has generously made this resource “free to copy, distribute and transmit with attribution to the author”, and kindly gave me permission to put it here.
*Note that the following may not be running in person at present*
GERRIC at the University of New South Wales, Sydney offer courses to gifted students in Years 3 – 6, and Years 7 – 10.
MindQuest is enrichment program designed to challenge and extend gifted and talented primary students from government and non government schools. The workshops are held over two days (weekend) to enable the topic to be studied in depth. Based in Kogarah (Southern Sydney) and Glenwood (North West Sydney).
Think Club Australia offers workshops to capable primary aged children in the April and September holidays
G.A.T.E.WAYS run a number of different programs both in and out of school time.
For Educators
GERRIC at the University of New South Wales, Sydney has some great resources for educators including:
Professional Development Package is a free, self-paced education kit for teachers, covering early education, primary and secondary education.
Graduate Certificate in Gifted Education (COGE)
Re-Forming Gifted Education: Matching the Program to the Child by Karen B. Rogers